December 25, 2011

Juice Cleanse Day 1

First off let me start by saying MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone. I hope you had a blessed and wonderful day full of laughter, joy, love, family, friends and of course FOOD.

Speaking of food I have finally decided to do a 15 day cleanse. It consists of nothing but juicing vegetables and fruits. The documentary "Fat, sick and nearly dead" was the eye opener that my husband and I needed. I have included the website info below for more reading. Also you can find amazing info just by typing in juicing. You may be wondering why we are doing this cleanse.Yes, my husband is going on this adventure with me. He's great!! Neither one of us is fat or chubby. We have a little bit of fat here and there but who doesn't? I bet someone out there is thinking we are off our rocker. Well, no matter how thin a person is they still can be very unhealthy on the inside. The fast food that you had a year ago more than likely is still sitting in your gut, intestines and other organs of your body. DISGUSTING if you ask me. So this is a detox that cleans you from the inside out getting rid of the bad and in with the new. Great way to start off the New Year right if you ask me. I am a great believer in listening to your body and doing what it tells you. If your tired, rest. If you feel like you have energy, use it. Lately I have been feeling like I needed an extra boost that exercise and eating decent wasn't getting me. We are not specialist in this field so we are going in this blind other than the research we have done and talking to the people who have juiced. We know what to expect but the experience is completely different for each person. So it will be a interesting journey to say the least.

So your probably wondering how DAY 1 went. Well, let me start off with the menu of the day:

Breakfast & Lunch: I made something that I will call 1,2,3 GO for breakfast and lunch consisted of 1 apples, 2 carrots and 3 beets. Personally there was to many beets in it so I watered it down with water which helped a little. Next time I will have to try: 1 apple, 2 beets and 3 carrots. 
Snack: I juiced 2 apples and 3 carrots. That juice was AMAZING. 
Dinner: I had what I will call a juice salad. It was 1 head of romaine lettuce, 1 tomato, 1 bell pepper, 1 carrot, 1 stock of celery, a handful of pecans. This looked, smelled and kinda tasted like a bell pepper rolled around in grass. Hahah I bet you just got a crazy visual because I did.

Throughout the whole day: I drank water and green tea or hot lemon water . 

The beets made Christmas festive for a moment....
So how do I feel and what happened to my body? My energy was a roller coaster to say the least. I was low for most of the day until mid afternoon/night hit and I felt like I have amazing energy. One thing that I do have to warn about though is if your body is not used to fruits or vegetables your body will go into an OVERDOSE. It happened to me today with the beets. My body took in more than what its used to. Lets just say I peed (yes my pee was pink), threw up and pooped beets all at once. Not a pretty sight but I am being 100% honest with my journey with juicing. I also noticed my pores all over my body seemed more open than usual and a film felt like it was on my skin. This was totally out of the normal. A shower fixed that right up. I brushed my teeth more than normal today. The juicing causes bad breath and a dry mouth. Your body is getting rid of all the toxins from EVERYWHERE literally. So please, please, please be hygienic if you do decide to do the juicing.  I am not starving but the hunger is there. I think its more of a physiological thing. It is really hard to smell amazing food and the worst part is having someone in front of you eating it. Its hard but the pay off I am praying will work. Stay tuned for updates on the juicing.