January 30, 2012

Slutty Brownie Review

So today was kinda a big deal for me. I got to meet and mingle with a lot of higher ups and co-workers that my husband works with. I had two meetings of the day and the second one was particularly the main focus. It was a potluck and our portion of the company got to make desserts. YUM YUM my favorite! Time to get my game face on and figure out what to make. I seriously sat there for over an hour wondering what would be easy but a de-lish dish. I came across this website and this recipe specifically:http://www.thelondoner.me/2011/06/slutty-brownies.html

I literally LOLed at the name, then my mind thought about how tonight's conversation might go:

"Who brought these awesome brownies and what are they called?"
"Sir, that would be me and they are called *cough* SLUTTY BROWNIES *cough*"

What an icebreaker right? Yea thats me. The quirky one. Anyways, they were a HUGE hit and I got a few high fives tonight. Yes! I saved face big time by not screwing up and bring a lame traditional dish. All jokes aside if you need a quick, easy and huge hit try these puppies out. You can't go wrong. I was able to make enough brownies to fit in a 9.5x13.5x2" pyrex dish with enough to fix in a 6 cup pyrex baking dish. Time for this mama to go to bed. It's been a long day. Until next time, happy baking and good night! 
I left the room for less than 20 minutes and this was all that was left! 

1 comment:

  1. They were yummy! I know cause my son and I had that last piece!


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